Guy Wolff Pottery – Painted Cart, Bantam CT sign painting Guy Wolff Pottery – Painted Cart, Bantam CT Hand painted lettering and pinstriping on wood and metal cart.adminOctober 25, 2022
Logo Design – Upper Canada Weaving calligraphy Logo Design – Upper Canada Weaving Graphic Logo and Text design, hand-drawnadminJune 20, 2021
Toga Bike Shop, New York City New York Toga Bike Shop, New York City Large chalkboard signage for a bike shop on the Upper West Side, ManhattanadminOctober 5, 2020
Halloween Windows – Reverse glass painting, New York City calligraphy Halloween Windows – Reverse glass painting, New York City Reverse-glass painting, text and graphics, for Breads Bakery, New York CityadminOctober 30, 2019
Sanagan’s Butcher Shop – Gerrard Street East AdvertisingChalkRajiv SurendraTorontoWork Sanagan’s Butcher Shop – Gerrard Street East Chalk lettering art for a Toronto-based butcher.adminMay 10, 2018
Fancy Feast Campaign AdvertisingcalligraphyChalkRajiv SurendraTorontoWork Fancy Feast Campaign Chalkboard title cards for Fancy Feast advertising campaign.adminJuly 5, 2017
The making of my book cover! calligraphy The making of my book cover! Time-lapse video of chalk artwork for the cover of my memoir.adminSeptember 28, 2016
Flourished Fish calligraphyChalkNew York Flourished Fish Chalk artwork for 2016 Armoury Art Show, New York CityadminMarch 29, 2016
Made in New York – as originally published in NYC&G Magazine calligraphyNew Yorkpress Made in New York – as originally published in NYC&G Magazine Made in New YorkadminNovember 4, 2015
Wedding Invitation Design ChalkTorontoWork Wedding Invitation Design Pen and ink design for letterpress wedding invitations.adminJuly 22, 2015